Thursday, February 6, 2014


Nothing says, "welcome" like a screen door.  I just love them! We installed a screen door leading in to our kitchen last spring, no this is not a picture of MY screen door, I just really liked the look of this one.  A screen door says, "come on in", "you are welcome here."  That seems to be a constant theme in my head lately, how do I relate this message to my friends?  I want to start a bible study at my house that consists of scripture study/ discussion and then a good ol' fashion circle up prayer time.  I see it in my head, I can almost touch it.  I hope and pray that it will become a reality.  I would love to end every month with a dinner for my friends, I'm not the best cook but I can follow a recipe and I love to serve others~ I believe we need to serve others.  Anyway, I see myself serving dinner on the porch to some of the ladies that I pray God is already preparing to be a part of such a sweet precious time.What a wonderful scene from my screen door, a warm evening (no mosquitoes) sweet tea and a lovely meal set before each of my special friends, prayer warriors, sisters in Christ. What says, "welcome" to you? How are you planning on serving others?

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