
 I am constantly trying to better myself whether it be with physical fitness, diet, or just broadening my mind.  I love to read and be crafty but I have just recently discovered that I love to exercise!  I have run several 5K's and I am slowly working my way toward a 10K.  I joined the local gym and I love it!  Never, ever would I have thought I would be eager to go to a fitness class but that is how it has been. I lift weights in Body Pump twice (sometimes more, sometimes less) a week and when I can, I join in a Zumba class.
  I have found that attending these classes has helped me "step outside the box" so to speak, I make myself talk to other women instead of standing there feeling overwhelmed. I get excited when I see my muscles actually show up for the job while I'm lifting weights and there is no feeling like that feeling you get when the instructor ends the session with "that's it ladies, good job!"  I don't know how others feel but I'm walking on cloud 9 all the way to my car after that.
  If you are thinking about joining a gym, just do it. I promise if you give it your best you will love it and it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few inspiring ladies you can read about and maybe their blogs will help you like they help me.

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