Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Sometimes as parents we worry that we are messing our kids up.  I sometimes have visions of my children sitting in a counselor's office pouring out their problems that all stem from their unfit mother.  (shiver!) Deep down though, I feel my girls are absolutely exceptional, so much so that I am in awe that God saw fit  for me to be their mother.  Not to mention their awesome dad, I feel I don't deserve him at times.  Thank you Jesus for your many blessings.
I titled this post "Affirmation" because even with all that I mentioned above, there ARE times I get to see through my daughters' eyes.  Maybe, just maybe we (Anthony and I ) are doing something right.  Maybe, just maybe our love for Christ IS spilling over and onto them?  Layla brought her journal to me the other day and wanted me to read her latest entry. I wanted to share it with you just in case some of you that read this blog ever feel insignificant, I really don't think you are and chances are those close to you don't think you are either.
This is also testament that your children will learn from you.  They will learn how to love from you, how to be joyous and how to grieve. But most importantly, they will learn how to have a relationship with Christ from you.  Parenting is not for the faint of heart, it's not easy. Thankfully Jesus says, " my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30  Let that verse be true in your relationships too whether it is with a spouse or a child.

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