Saturday, February 8, 2014

Making Room Part 2

Here is where it began, Anthony and Trent left early in the morning on Friday and drove to Orange Grove.  They were met with icy temperatures but they would not be swayed.
I was sent this picture from my mom's phone with the caption, "they did it, it's out of the bedroom".  There's my dad probably gearing up for the next phase. I'm not sure if the next phase was lunch because I know mom made the boys homemade hamburgers and french fries.

This was the phase I was glad I wasn't a part of but they did it.  The piano was safely loaded into the trailer along with lots of other stuff.  Well, they came home late because of some really bad traffic and of course when I saw it I cried.  I do that  a lot.  Anyway, it made it and I am so proud of it.  I do wish I had taken it when my Nana offered but of course I was silly and didn't want to take the piano out of the "piano room".  I think she would love how it looks here.  I know I do.


  1. Beautiful! I love pianos. Carleigh started lessons in the fall, and I LOVE hearing her play.

  2. Me too, I love listening to the girls "tinker" on it. I know I will lose it when my mom sits down to play it.
