Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I am about to step out on faith in a few days.  I am about to start a bible study (as before mentioned in another post) at my house.  For some people this would have been an easy decision to make but I have to admit, it wasn't for me.  Most of you that know me know that I have been active in our drama department at church, you've seen me act and sing on stage whether it was during a play or in choir.  I even get to do the "welcome" at our church from time to time. I will give all glory to God for all of that because if left up to me, it wouldn't happen.  I was taught by a dear youth pastor, Mr. Jim Carroll that God wanted me to stretch, he wanted to break me and mold me in His image.  Sometimes breaking and molding hurts and is scary but when it's over it's never regretted.
At first I wanted the goal of the bible study to be prayer then Satan started telling me that prayer may be too deep of a topic.  "Don't freak them out with that personal topic, what if they don't want to dive in like you do?  You don't have an awesome prayer life, what kind of encouragement can you give them?" The devil really threw it at me, and I caved, I changed the topic of bible study and I was okay with it but I wasn't excited about it.  Fast forward a week or two and I was sitting in church listening to Pastor Bill, we were finishing up a series on prayer and what he was saying to us as a congregation was eye opening to me.  He was stressing how important prayer was to our church and how important it was in our own individual lives.  I know prayer works, I have seen it with my own eyes.  I left the church that day with such an absolute message that I heard loud and clear, "Don't be safe Jessica, be obedient." So, I will be obedient and I will do my best to listen to Him.  I hope if you are reading this you are moved to come to my home and be a part of this very special time I really feel it has been placed before me "for such a time as this" I believe wonderful things are about to start happening in our church and in our town.  I want to be part of that don't you?
I will leave you with a quote from the book we will be using in our bible study, Stormy Omartian's "The Power Of A Praying Woman", she writes,  "Although it may often feel like it, there is never a time when nothing is happening in your life.  That's because whether you realize it or not, you are never standing still.  You are either going forward or you're sliding back. you are either becoming more like Christ everyday or you're becoming less like Him.  There is no neutral position in the Lord." Please pray for this time, if you can come please come, if you are unable to come please pray for this time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jess! I can't wait hear all about this Bible study. It sounds awesome. Just so you know, you inspired me to pull it out and start reading it this morning.
