Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Things Remembered

My mom and dad came by for breakfast yesterday and during their visit my mom got a phone call.  The call was from the realtor that is taking care of the sale of my grandparent's home.  He told her that a lady we all know that lives in the same town is looking to buy the house for her grandson.  I think Mom may go through with it and I know it will be sad for her but the woman that is wanting to buy it was a good friend of my Nana's.  Years ago after my aunt passed away, this woman would come get my Nana and take her places just to get out of the house, I think she was instrumental in helping Nana decide she still had a life and she needed to live it.
Anyway, as I prepare myself for the sale of this home I think of all the things I loved about it.  I know it doesn't compare to the memories my mom has of the house but they are vivid and wonderful memories to me.  I have lived in a total of seven houses from the time I was born till now.  That house never changed.  It was the island in the midst of change.  I can smell the smell of German sausage cooking on the gas stove and the sound of the television turned up in the living room.  The distinct smell of Nana's home, they say smell is the strongest sense to recall a memory.  She wore Channel No.5, Grandpa smelled like outside, like he had just come home from some adventure at the deer lease.  The sounds around that house are the sounds of dove and cicadas (not sure if I spelled that right).  All of these things were so special and so safe, however, the people that created most of these things aren't there anymore.  They are with ME and that is why I can let the house go.  I can conjure it up anytime I want, I often take a walk around the house in my mind and listen to the outside sounds.  Sometimes my favorite thing to remember is walking through that back door just to be assaulted with the smells and the hugs.  These are just a few things that have helped shape me as a person. My parent's  home is becoming, to my children, what my Nana's house was to me. Here they are met with hugs and good food and adventure.  My dad may be outside sitting on the porch trying to shoot squirrels but my kids want to sit out there with him and hear some fun Texas history fact he has thought to share.  What about you, are you creating an island for your family?

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