Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Back In Business

It's been a while.  How have you been?  I've been busy and I am ready for school to start.  I like routine, I like routine when you can fall on it or abandon it for a while. I, like many of you, have dreams.  Not huge dreams but tangible dreams. I like to think of myself as creative and sometimes it's hard in the day to day grind to find ways to be creative.   Oh I make a few things here and there but sometimes I like to make things that matter.  A couple of years ago I started a business with making jewelry.  I had no knowledge of how to do it only that I wanted to do it.  It's funny how that little bit can prompt you to move.  Maybe I'm just a little reckless and I don't always think things through. ... hmmm...
I created a company called LayaBelle (my two sweet daughters combined) and started venturing out in to the big wide world of retail. It's not for the faint of heart but from the little front room of my house surrounded by the sound of my kids and the t.v. and the dog I started creating.  I used a lot of the old pictures of my Nana and my mom when she was a little girl. All was good in my world.
 My Nana passed away and I just felt the wind leave my sails.  It's funny looking back I thought I handled her passing with as much grace as God would allow me.  I guess subconsciously I didn't. My "want to" was just gone.  I tried but the happiness in making others happy was just absent for a while and I think that's okay.  I truly believe if you don't ever give yourself time to heal you'll never really heal.
This brings me to today.  Today I am going to bring some of those photos out and I'm going to create again.  I'm going to make others happy which in turn will make me happy.  I'm going to help others take those beloved photos out of the musty old picture albums and wear them with pride and beauty. What is your favorite photo of a loved one?  Was your great grandmother just gorgeous and courageous?  I can create a way for you to share them with other people.
Please visit LaylaBelle page on Facebook and private message me if you would like to make an order.  Don't forget to like and  share!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Teachable Moments


 I don't know how other moms feel during the "preteen" years but I'm getting a good dose of "tolerant stares and a whole lotta "I know"s- geesh!  Well I wanted to encourage all of you out there that feel like you can't find your sweet child that, you could have sworn was there just a few months ago, there are teachable moments still at your finger tips.
  The other night it was very cold and Belle was in the kitchen wanting to make hot cocoa.  She asked if she could have some and I said, "sure" and then she got busy bustling around in the kitchen.  Luckily I walked into the kitchen at just the right time to see her mixing her hot milk with baker's cocoa.  Now some of you reading this just *cringed* because like me, you have made the same mistake in your life.  I calmly asked her if she had tasted it yet and she said she hadn't so I leaned up against the counter and watched her taste it.  Hehe, it was funny to see her go to the sink and spit it out with disgust.  Now, could I have taken it from her and quickly poured it out before the bitterness could touch her lips? Maybe I should have been in there making it for her so she would never make a mistake?  Should I have yelled at her and told her she didn't know anything and that she was too stupid to even read directions? Heavens no! (I have never called any of my children stupid by the way.) What I did do is watch her taste and then lovingly told her that I had made the same mistake before and that all she had to do was ask.  I love Belle and I love watching her change and mature but I also know that she still needs me. She also needs to know that I wasn't born with all the answers and that I had to learn from my mistakes.  Parents, don't sign off on your children in their teen years.  Don't chalk it up to letting your kids find their way. God gave me two beautiful girls to guide and love and discipline so that they will be wonderful people.  I see so many parents not even know who their kids are and that's just sad because what sometimes happens is they are forced to deal with who their children have become and its not always "sunshine and roses". I also see the other end of the spectrum and that's watching teens not even know the first thing to do because everything has been done for them, they have never made a mistake.
   So yes, I used baker's cocoa as a teaching tool in my "teachable moment" and I'm proud of it.  I will go a step further and say that we are always doing these things with our Heavenly Father.  We jump in without  thought to consequences or repercussions and we sometimes taste bitterness.  God wants us to go to Him daily, hourly, every minute and ask Him to guide us.  What is your baker's cocoa?

Saturday, November 15, 2014


  This time of year is a battle it seems. The day after Halloween the commercials start for Christmas. I always feel that we don't give Thanksgiving it's due credit.  Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and I get just as excited as my kids at times but Thanksgiving is the "gateway" to the holiday season and should be appreciated as such.
  When I was younger I associated Thanksgiving with my nana's house.  We moved away from my grandparents and my aunt and uncle and cousin when I was around nine years old so any chance we got to visit, we took it.  My nana and grandpa lived in a small South Texas town who's claim to fame was hunting so my dad would get ready for Thanksgiving (hunting) with gusto! The men of the family knew there would be a hunting day wasted when they would agree to take us along, you know everything is funny when you aren't supposed to laugh. They never complained though so we always had fun.
  When you would wake up on Thanksgiving morning at Nana's you woke up to the smell of turkey.  I loved that feeling, waking up to the beautiful chaos of a small kitchen with too many people in it trying to orchestrate one huge meal.  No one complained, no one said they wished they had more space, I think the closeness was one of the things we looked forward to.
  Fast forward several years and here I am, Nana is no longer here but we will be having Thanksgiving with family and the kids will get under foot and will run through the kitchen taking pieces of cut up turkey or a roll when they pass and it will be good. It will be hot and crowded in the kitchen but I don't care, that's part of it.  I love the holiday season because of how it was for me as a kid and how I consciously want it to be for mine.  How will your Thanksgiving go? Who will be there and what is the side dish you most look forward to eating?  What is your favorite thing to do after Thanksgiving?
  From my house to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Disconnecting ... sort of.

   Recently I have been facilitating a Bible study for some lovely ladies at our church.  We call our study time "G.R.O.W." G (greet the Lord) R (read the scripture assigned) O (observe what the scripture is teaching) W (write down the scripture and a prayer to go with it).  I love getting together with my fellow sisters and just talk about life.  Usually that fills the hour we have reserved and sometimes it goes over.
  This last week I read a blog post from a neat blog called, www.wearethatfamily.com titled, "Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World".  Okay, I was convicted! After reading the blog post I realized that I can't show my kids how to be grateful if I am constantly comparing myself to other moms and dads.  I realize now that I struggle with that more than I thought and mainly facebook was the culprit. I would be having a perfectly fine day and BAM! I would see someone's post on facebook about this wonderful adventure they got to have and how they were dressed perfectly for the occasion.  I know, that makes me sound shallow and that I should be happy for them and wish them all the best but sometimes UUUUURRRRGGHHH!!
  In the past I have tried to use social media for good, I usually share a conviction, a prayer request or a special blessing with my "friends".   I also really like that I know what's going on in my friends' lives that live far away but what bothers me the most is the fact that it's a time thief and even a joy thief.  I love to write and share and encourage but Satan likes to throw things in my face and remind me that I have weaknesses and that I find myself not measuring up to some mythical perfect person.
   So, this imperfect person is going to do something radical! I'm leaving facebook, yep, you read it right.  I am a daughter of a Perfect King and  this is the way His love goes babe. The Lord has reminded me that He has blessed me with a happy, healthy family and I need to treat them like a blessing by giving them my attention (especially if I want theirs) and my time.  I will continue to blog so you can always come and visit me here and please feel free to leave comments. My tech-y sister is coming over tomorrow to show me how I can link up to Pinterest with this blog so many of you can keep in contact with me that way.  Also, you can contact me via email at www.jessica.rutledge2013@gmail.com.  I know I will be tempted and want to "hop" back on so I will need your prayers for that please.
   This is my conviction so please don't think you should have the same one. If you stay on social  media, just do this for me and for yourself, look up every once in a while and see what the people around you are doing.  Try to make new friends and not just "friend" someone.  Have a great day with your family and do it just to do it and not just to have a photo opp, fill up the photo albums again and not just your phone.  God gave you a body and a bright healthy mind, use it!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


While I read the headlines and watch news video footage about what is happening to Christians at the hands of ISIS I am reminded of my trip to the Holocaust museum I took last summer with Belle. I was nervous going in because I knew I would see images that would break my heart and I didn't want to fall to complete pieces in front of everyone.  Needless to say the images did break my heart and I wasn't able to hold it together the majority of the time but what stuck with me the most among lots and lots of information was what the museum guide said to the kids before we started our tour.  I will never forget it, she was an elderly lady, probably a young girl (maybe a teenager) during WWII.  She looked at all of us in our eyes and said, "There is a word I want you all to remember when you leave here today and never forget it." We all waited, I wonder if the others were trying to guess what she might say, I was thinking "hate" however that wasn't what she ended up saying.  She looked at us and said, "apathy".
The definition of apathy is "the lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern./ indifference".  It boiled down to that. The museum guide let us watch a video of concentration camp survivors and they all said the same thing. "People saw us get on trains, get thrown out on the street, stripped of everything we owned and people did nothing."  This is crazy to me, or it used to be.  Now I sit and watch the leaders of this nation do the same thing. Oh, of course we started to do a little at a time but I just pray that it isn't a little too late.  The question in my mind is this, I wonder how many people (women, men, children, babies) would have been saved during the holocaust if social media had existed back then? Have Christians been under attack as long as Jews? No, and we are told we will be persecuted and I know that The Lord's promise is true when He revealed it to Paul in Romans 8:35-37, " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered" - Good news though, it doesn't stop there. Christ doesn't leave us that way, we have hope! "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
Do you have that kind of faith? Do you understand that if we as Christians continue to live a life of apathy the same will start to happen here in the United States? In some places this attitude  has already begun.  Stand firm, know what you believe in and why because we will all have to defend our faith one day, for the Christians in the middle east, their time is now.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tea time!

Mom called me the other day and said she signed us up to decorate a table at her church's tea.  I was happy to do it because usually with teas I am in a position of STRESS instead of relaxation.  Don't get me wrong, I love the hustle and bustle of getting ready for a tea, it's just nice sometimes to be a spectator. She said she wanted it to be a vintage table so I REALLY got excited! She borrowed Nana's dishes she had given to Michelle for our "china".
They are the sweetest color, it's neat to think these dishes were a wedding gift for my Nana and Grandpa.  I like that they didn't match, it's kind of a neat window into the tastes of my Nana way back then.
Of course we had to have a picture of the lovely couple on their wedding day and an old camera that has taken so many pictures, catching evidence of a happy life on film. Mason jars from years gone by, some have stories behind them, some just reminders of the wonderful talent my mom has for making homemade jams, jellies, preserves and pickles. The lovely Kitty cookie jar that sits smiling at me in my kitchen every day, used to sit on the top of my great grandmother's refrigerator. I remember sitting on top of the deep freezer that sat in their kitchen while eating room temperature pancakes, looking at that pretty cookie jar. I'm honored to have her now.
And we can't forget the sweet apron that Nana made for me. I had originally asked her to make three aprons so I could sell them.  She was happy to do it and when I received them in the mail I was so excited. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the stitching used to make the ruffle was done by hand.  All I could think of was her sweet soft hands bent from age and arthritus making each stitch just so.  That did it, there wasn't a price for that so I surprised my sisters one Thanksgiving and gave each of them an apron (one for myself as well). That apron was in the very center of our beautiful tea. Nana and Mamaw (my great grandmother) were right there with us as we enjoyed our tea. If you have "old things" someone has given you, take them out of their hiding places and show them off.  There is a story there, there is a family member your children need to meet through your stories and memories.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"There Is Sunshine In My Soul ..."

This last Saturday was just wonderful. Anthony and I finally put dirt in our garden boxes and a chicken wire trellis ready for some very anticipated snow peas.  I am planting cherry tomatoes, "Big Boy" tomatoes, mixed salad greens, broccoli, cauliflower, bush beans, okra and an assortment of kitchen herbs.  I was so excited finally feeling warm dirt between my fingers and planting my seeds with the zeal I'm sure every gardener feels when they place those tiny "promises" in the ground.  Of course I'm no stranger to the disappointment that comes with gardening, I know I will battle backyard pets, curious children, the weather, the bugs ... uugghh! If I think about it I almost don't want to invest.  Aren't we glad that's not how God works?  Aren't we thankful that not only did He invest but He will meet all the needs we will ever have?  God didn't plant the seed of the Holy Spirit in us just to walk away leaving us unattended.  We will face our own "bugs, our own "backyard pets" and harsh elements.  What a relief to know that the gardener of our soul is ever diligent!
 Sunday I sat in church with a sunburn as a testament of all I did Saturday, what kind of sunburn do you have? What is your testament of what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life? What does your garden look like?