Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"There Is Sunshine In My Soul ..."

This last Saturday was just wonderful. Anthony and I finally put dirt in our garden boxes and a chicken wire trellis ready for some very anticipated snow peas.  I am planting cherry tomatoes, "Big Boy" tomatoes, mixed salad greens, broccoli, cauliflower, bush beans, okra and an assortment of kitchen herbs.  I was so excited finally feeling warm dirt between my fingers and planting my seeds with the zeal I'm sure every gardener feels when they place those tiny "promises" in the ground.  Of course I'm no stranger to the disappointment that comes with gardening, I know I will battle backyard pets, curious children, the weather, the bugs ... uugghh! If I think about it I almost don't want to invest.  Aren't we glad that's not how God works?  Aren't we thankful that not only did He invest but He will meet all the needs we will ever have?  God didn't plant the seed of the Holy Spirit in us just to walk away leaving us unattended.  We will face our own "bugs, our own "backyard pets" and harsh elements.  What a relief to know that the gardener of our soul is ever diligent!
 Sunday I sat in church with a sunburn as a testament of all I did Saturday, what kind of sunburn do you have? What is your testament of what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life? What does your garden look like?